We Made It

We survived.

We made it through our first week of virtual learning for this school year.

Three children varying in ages, academic levels and different needs and this mama is TIRED.

We started the week with smiles but that quickly changed with each passing hour.

The demands, different schedules, synchronized learning and asynchronous learning, the therapies, the work.


Friends, I knew this was going to be difficult.

Let’s face it, we’ve been here before.

Even though we were required to do virtual learning at the beginning of the pandemic, something is different this time.

Maybe it’s because this feels so monotonous and never ending.

Maybe it’s the fact that we imagined things would “be better” and yet we still feel so isolated.

I’ve been trying to pinpoint it all night and I can’t seem to figure out.

I started doubting MYSELF and my ability to do this.

To be ALL the people and ALL the things my children need me to be.

The teacher.
The therapist.
The mom.
The caregiver.

The one to answer all the questions and the one who wipes the tears streaming down the frustrated rosy cheeks.

As I reflect on this week, I feel myself buried in negative self talk and overwhelming guilt.

My emotions are running full speed ahead and I can’t seem to catch my breath.

I could have done this better.
I should have done that a different way.

The thoughts continue and I quickly find myself spiraling down that anxiety driven path.

Friends, virtual learning with multiple children is HARD.

And I’m feeling the weight of it all at once.

Mama- If you’re wondering how you’re going to get through this, you’re not alone.

If you’re exhausted and sitting on your couch this evening sipping on a well deserved glass of wine, me too.

If you’re grasping onto that tiny little thread of hope and hanging on for dear life, me too.

We have a few days ahead of us to recharge our batteries and start fresh next week.

Let’s promise to take a few moments to find those little pockets of peace that calm our hearts and minds.

Let’s seek out the little things that fill our cup and embrace each moment with gratitude.

Here’s to us friends- Cheers to one week down and many more to go!