I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since Ethan was diagnosed with autism.
It is a day that our family will never forget. As hard as it was to hear the words “ you’re son has autism” it also gave us answers to questions we had for years.
We use this day to celebrate how far our sweet bubba has come!
Countless doctor appointments, hospital stays, therapies, trainings, and more… it’s never ending.
He has overcome so many obstacles in his 7 years of life and it’s amazing to see how far he has come. We are so incredibly proud of him.
He has taught us so much about life and love.
He has taught me to never take life for granted and to not sweat the small stuff.
Autism does not define our son but it is a big part of who he is and what makes him our Bubba.
He is sweet, funny, silly and loves to make people laugh! And he has the biggest dinosaur collection you will ever see!
And hands down … he has the BEST SMILE!!
The type of the smile that lights up a room…
And lifts your spirits on the darkest of days.
He is our bubba and we love him for who he is inside and out.
Here’s to you my sweet boy! Today is your day!
Thank you bubba for making our family complete ..
For making us stronger than we ever thought possible!
For bringing us joy every single day to see the world through your eyes.
Thank you for being YOU!
We love you so much.