A few months back you might remember me sharing our experience at the movie theatre. We were going to see How To Train Your Dragon 3. Ethan LOVES those movies and he was super excited! We went, we tried, and Ethan and I were in the hallway for the whole movie. And it’s OK because he still had fun! We laughed, we played and met nice people 🙂
Today, we tried the movies again! Yep, we went back to the same theater to see The Lion King!
Bubba LOVES The Lion King! We watch the Disney original multiple times a week ha ha! (And I don’t mind because it’s one of my favorites! )
So when Ethan saw the preview for the new Lion King movie he started jumping up and down saying “I see!” so how could we not go to the theater and try again?! He was SO excited!!
We let him pick where he wanted to sit. He sat with his Lion King bucket full of popcorn and was as happy as could be! The previews weren’t too long so thank goodness for that!
As the movie was getting ready to start we took this picture! Just look at the joy on his sweet little face. It doesn’t get any better than that!!
After the movie started he wanted to sit on my lap. I never mind snuggle time because it doesn’t happen that often. And I know there might come a time he doesn’t want to any more so I’ll take it when I can get it!
And there he sat…
holding my hands …
and taking it all in.
He got a little upset after the sad part with Mufasa and asked to go home. …But we took a minute to talk and I reminded him of all the happy parts coming up and the songs he loves to dance to!
He got through it … and we stayed!
I wanted to share this because this is a HUGE deal! A BIG WIN in our world!
And so many times things don’t work out… we change plans… we leave.. or go home. But we NEVER give up trying!
Autism is tricky … we are constantly learning and growing together. You never know what kind of day you’re going to have… or how things will go when you make plans…
But one thing I DO know… we will never stop going out. We will never let autism define our son. We will never choose to stay home because “it’s too hard”
I’m not saying it’s easy! And it might not be good every time…
But we will never stop trying!
Our bubba deserves to enjoy the world around him just like everyone else. And I want the world to meet our bubba and see the joy he brings to every single person he meets!
Thank you for sharing your bubba’s success love love love it. Here’s to many more fun movies with mumma xxx