What if?
Instead of judging another mom, we give her grace and remember that we’re all doing the best we can.
What if?
Instead of staring at someone who looks or acts differently, we wave and say hello.
What if?
Instead of watching someone struggling, we ask how we can help.
What if?
Instead of complaining about our hardships, we start showing more gratitude for the things and people we’re thankful for.
What if?
Instead of saying “I’m fine”, let’s allow ourselves to be vulnerable and accept help from others.
What if?
We learned to love each other regardless of our differences.
What if we take every day as a new day to improve ourselves?
A new day to be a little better than yesterday.
To be kinder.
More honest.
More caring.
More forgiving.
What if we start changing the way things have always been?
What if this is the year we learn from past mistakes and start moving forward with purpose and intent?
What if we supported each other instead of walking away?
What if we focus on building each other up instead of tearing each other down?
What if we started changing the world for the better?
And what if we started today?