Dear Target,
First, I’d like to start by saying THANK YOU.
Thank you for being one of the few stores we shop at that offers adaptive clothing for individuals with disabilities.
Thank you for providing Caroline’s Carts and for including children with varying abilities in your ads and commercials.
You make families like ours feel seen.
You go above and beyond what other stores do and you have us as loyal customers because of it.
I wanted to ask for a moment of your time to discuss something that would make Target even more inclusive and accessible.
As a parent of a child with a disability, going in public can be difficult when certain things aren’t accessible. One of the biggest struggles we face are public restrooms.
I was shopping at our local Target the other day and I took my ten year old son to the family restroom to assist him. I noticed the baby changing table on the wall. Unfortunately, baby changing tables are just that.
They’re for BABIES.
Thousands of individuals that shop at your stores, many utilizing the Caroline’s carts and adaptive clothing, need a universally designed changing table. These are also known as adult sized changing tables. They accommodate most people up to 6 feet tall and 400 pounds.
This piece of equipment is accessible for all shapes and sizes regardless of age and gender. Without them, we are left changing our loved ones on public restroom floors or in the back of our vehicles in public view.
Our family members deserve a safe, private and dignified space to use the restroom while they’re out shopping.
I’m kindly asking for Target to replace baby changing tables with powered height adjustable adult sized changing tables in their family restrooms.
Not just for my son, but for the thousands of individuals and their families that shop at your stores.
You have already proven that Target cares about ALL people by including them in every aspect of your store and merchandise.
The only piece you’re missing is the restroom!
Let’s make Target the FIRST large chain retail store to become fully INCLUSIVE and ACCESSIBLE for ALL patrons.
It’s time for change.
Christina Abernethy
(and parents & caregivers everywhere)