It was 1:45 in the morning.
You came waddling down the stairs, sleepy eyed and carrying your favorite blanket.
You walked over to me sitting on the couch, and you crawled onto my lap.
With your back against my chest, you rested your head on my shoulder.
No words.
No sounds.
Just silence.
I sat there taking in this very rare and beautiful moment wishing time would stand still.
I held you close and ran my fingers through your soft hair.
You let me kiss your cheek and hold your hand.
As we sat there together, hand in hand, I found myself tearing up.
I never wanted it to end.
While it didn’t last long, I was grateful for the time we had.
It’s in those tired late night hours that we have some of our most special moments.
The peaceful moments.
The calm moments.
The moments that make you forget about the struggles and heartache from the day.
The moments of love and connection without a single word being spoken.
The moments you allow me to hug you and you don’t pull away.
The moments I get to whisper in your ear and remind you how amazing you are.
So even when it’s 2 o’clock in the morning and we should both be sleeping…
I’ll be here.
With arms wide open and a shoulder to lean on.
To share these special moments with just the two of us.
Holding you.
Loving you.
And enjoying the beautiful silence together.