I didn’t respond to you.
You were instantly deleted and banned because hate and discrimination have no place here.
I will however use this as a teachable moment.
A moment to educate others and learn from negative comments that come from hurtful people like you.
Ironically, I just shared a post the other day talking about the “R” word.
And here we are again just a few short days later.
Not only is this word NOT OK when speaking about my son, it’s not ok to use it to describe anything or ANYONE.
And let’s talk about the second part of that comment.
My son absolutely, positively, 100 % deserves to be in public.
And he most definitely does NOT belong in an institution.
Individuals with disabilities are human beings.
Just like you and I.
They want to be loved.
Treated with kindness.
And accepted for who they truly are.
Regardless of a diagnosis, we should treat ALL people with dignity and respect.
I’m not sure why there is still so much hate in this world.
But we HAVE to do better.
Change starts with us.
It takes zero dollars to be a decent human being.
But it does take a conscious effort on how we treat people.
To continue spreading negativity and hurtful words.
Or to be compassionate and kind.
The choice is yours.
Please, choose wisely.