Give yourself grace.
Yes, I’m talking to you Mama.
Didn’t get everything checked off that long to do list today?
Give yourself grace.
Late dropping the kids off at school again?
Give yourself grace.
Clothes fitting a little tighter than you’d like them to?
Give yourself grace.
Forget to call your friend back or respond to that text from three days ago?
Give yourself grace.
Friends, I think most of us are still living in survival mode.
And one thing I know for certain, is that we are all doing the best we can.
So if you forgot to pick up the item you needed for dinner tonight or you didn’t get to the laundry piled on top of your bed.
It’s OK.
Maybe you’re being pulled in a million different directions and feel like you got nothing accomplished today.
If all you did today was survive, I’m proud of you.
And you should be too.
It’s not worth beating yourself up over little things that will impact your mood or mental health.
Life is too short to constantly tear ourselves down and worry about things that take away our joy.
I think it’s time we start being a little more gentle with ourselves, don’t you?
Promise me tonight that you’ll try.
That you’ll lay down that heavy weight you’ve been carrying around all day.
And let it all go.
Inhale peace and exhale everything that’s weighing on your heart and mind.
And give yourself grace.