Going into the new year is not about a “new year new me” mentality.
At least not for me.
This is the year I give myself permission to do
the things I tell myself I’m going to do, but often times refrain from doing so out of fear.
Life is too short to be in a constant state of worry and stress.
It’s time I make my inner peace a priority.
I give myself permission to LET THINGS GO.
This includes people and things that no longer serve me or bring joy to my life.
I give myself permission to REST.
This is extremely important for proper physical and mental health.
I give myself permission to SET BOUNDARIES.
A family member, a coworker or a friend, boundaries are important to maintain healthy relationships.
I give myself permission to SAY NO.
This is one of the hardest one for me.
But It. Is. A. Must.
I’ve been guilty of this since I was a young child. It’s time to break the cycle.
I give myself permission to ACCEPT HELP.
I struggle with this a lot.
But after the past several months, accepting help from close family and friends is the only way I made it through the scariest time in my life.
I give myself permission to SLOW DOWN.
This will be difficult but my mind and body will thank me.
I give myself permission to GIVE GRACE.
To myself and others.
I give myself permission to ACCEPT THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE.
It can be a cruel world out there, but it’s up to me how I react and respond to it.
I give myself permission to BELIEVE IN ME.
I CAN do hard things.
I give myself permission to WORRY LESS.
As someone who suffers from anxiety, this will help keep my mind more clear. It’ll give me the ability to focus on the things and people I love and be more present in the moment.
I give myself permission to ENJOY MORE OF THE LITTLE THINGS.
In the end, they are things that matter the most.
I give myself permission to reflect on this past year and recognize the changes that need to be made in order to move forward.
And I hope you’re able to do the same.
Here’s to a happy and healthy new year for all of us.