2 minutes.
That’s how long I have to share our story and talk about why universal changing spaces are important.
2 minutes to testify on behalf of hundreds of thousands of families who would benefit from adult sized changing tables in family restrooms.
Today is the day my friends.
In the next few hours I’ll be testifying at the ICC hearing in support of making changes to the building codes.
These changes are specifically talking about installation of powered height adjustable adult sized changing tables in restrooms.
These are federal building codes so these changes would impact our entire country.
If things go well today, it will still take time for this to pass and we wouldn’t see the changes written in the codes until 2024.
But friends, THIS IS HUGE.
If passed, there will be more inclusive and accessible restrooms across our entire nation!
That is LIFE changing for families impacted by disabilities, injuries, chronic health conditions and more.
I have a full speech prepared and tried to get in as much as I possibly could for a 2 minute time limit.
Trust me, I could go on for hours about the importance of this.
But, I’m hopeful and confident that this will shine a light on this very important issue that impacts so many families.
If you could send some positive vibes my way and a little bit of luck, I’d greatly appreciate it.
We are in this together.
It’s time for change.