Welcome to our world
Come in and take a seat
What you’re about to see
Is something amazing and unique.
You’ll experience highs and lows
With a few outbursts in between
It will be a little surprising
Like nothing you’ve ever seen.
We do fist bumps and stomping
And redirection like a pro
We do happy dances for everything
No matter how fast or slow.
We do stimming and hand flapping
And lining up toys
But don’t blink for a moment
Or you’ll miss all the joy.
We do lots of love
And wiping of tears
Acceptance is key
Let it wipe away your fears.
We laugh and we play
And make up silly games
Years of creating
I can’t remember all the names.
We do therapies and appointments
Like it’s just another day
It may seem kind of busy
But it’s been life changing all the way.
We do talkers and sign language
And picture cards each day
And If you really listen closely
You’ll hear he has a lot to say.
We advocate and teach
And we’re learning as we go
Hope always fills our hearts
And is forever in our home.
We do adaptive sports
And sensory friendly shows
Headphones and hand fidgets
Everywhere we go.
We try to call ahead.
We try to make a plan
Day in and day out
We do all that we can.
We do big squeezes
And hugs that will melt your heart
One smile from our Bubba
And you’ll never want to part.
I hope you’ve enjoyed your time with us
And liked what you’ve observed
My wish is that you’ll stay awhile
And welcome to our world.