I had some really hurtful things said to me on my most recent blog post.
If I’m being honest, it instantly made me upset.
I let it get to me.
Why would anyone say that?
Why would she think that?
It made me frustrated and I questioned what I wrote.
And here’s what I want to share with you.
I write from my heart.
My true, raw, honest and genuine self.
What you see is what you get it.
This is me.
And sometimes I’m extremely vulnerable here because I know others are feeling many of the same emotions I go through as a mother.
And if just ONE person is able to connect with my words or feel less alone that day, then that makes my heart happy.
It makes it all worth it.
I want people to know that this is a supportive and judgement free zone.
A safe space.
A community that feels empowered, loved and inspired by hope.
The woman from yesterday did not seem to feel love or hope.
Just anger and bitterness.
I could continue to let her words destroy my thoughts and inner peace.
Or I can move forward knowing that her hurtful words have more to do with her than they do me.
Her words will not stop me from being my authentic self and speaking my truth.
Unfortunately she’s not the first person to throw hate and vulgar comments my way.
And I’m positive she won’t be the last.
So for all the past, present and future bullies-
You WILL NOT silence me.
And to everyone who continues to be here and walk this journey with us, THANK YOU.
I am grateful for each and every one of you and appreciate your kindness more than you’ll ever know.