“I’m sitting on my porch with my phone in my hand, waiting to hear back from you.”
“I’ll drive to your house right now if you need me.”
As I read her texts through tear filled eyes, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmingly grateful to have such an amazing friend in my life.
A friend who checks in when I’m quiet.
A friend who can sense when something is wrong and won’t hesitate to reach out.
A friend who doesn’t get upset if I don’t respond to her phone call or text until 3 days later.
A friend who will give me space when I ask for it and will be the first one by my side when I need a shoulder to cry on.
A friend who says “I’M HERE.”
Two words.
So simply stated, yet incredibly powerful.
Friends will come and go throughout our entire lives, but the ones who are meant to be will stay.
I’ve learned over the years that’s it’s not about the number of friends we have, but it’s the genuine friendships that truly matter.
Quality over quantity.
We don’t necessarily need an army or a tribe.
Yes, they are amazing!
But more than anything, we need women supporting women.
Through the good.
The bad.
And the ugly.
Hang on to the friends who celebrate with you on your brightest days and will also sit in the trenches with you on the most difficult nights.
Hang on to the friends who say “I’m here for you.”
Hang on to the friends who show up at your house when you’re heart is falling apart and you need help putting the pieces back together.
Hang on to the friends who check in on you.
The ones who make time to send a text or call, just to make sure you’re ok.
Hang on to the friends who won’t judge and will lend a listening ear without saying a word.
These friends are incredibly special and I hold each one very close to my heart.
I hope that we can all be that special friend to others in our lives.
To help fill their cup when they’re running on empty.
And I pray that every person reading this is blessed with at least one special friend.
A friend who is there through it all, and to remind us that we are never alone.