My arms were trembling and I could barely hold myself up.
Sweat was dripping down my face and it was getting harder to breathe.
I felt like the intensity of the movements were too much for me.
I thought to myself – there’s no way I can do this.
And then I heard my boys cheering me on and clapping for me to keep going.
I took a deep breath in.
I finished the last five minutes of my workout using every last ounce of energy inside of me.
I collapsed on the floor in pure exhaustion.
I rolled over and I say “oh shit that was hard”
I know, not the best choice of words in front of my nine year old twin boys – but, I’m human.
I quickly apologized for swearing and Bubba nodded his head “yes” and walked over to me.
I was expecting a little slap on my arm or a firm finger pointing “no” because he recognized I said a bad word.
Instead, he took my hand and without saying a word, wrapped his small pinky finger around mine to do “pinky promise.”
This is something that we do frequently with his twin brother and Ethan is always watching.
I looked at him and said “pinky promise” and he shook his head yes.
I pinky promised that I would try not to swear again like that in front of him.
He was smiling from ear to ear.
He knew I understood what he was asking of me.
He approached me and used a hand gesture to tell me that he didn’t like that .
He was asking me to reassure him that I wouldn’t do it again.
He communicated.
That is a HUGE accomplishment.
Communication does not have to be verbal words.
And Ethan proves that to us every single day.
A simple pinky promise left me in tears and feeling so incredibly proud that he found a way to express how he was feeling in that moment.
A pinky promise that I will try my hardest not to break.
Bubba ~ Mommy is not perfect.
I make mistakes and I am continually learning.
But I pinky promise to do better and try harder tomorrow.
I pinky promise to use kinder words when I’m feeling exhausted or overwhelmed.
I pinky promise to take a deep breath when I’m feeling anxious or worried.
I pinky promise to be the best mom I can be for you, your brother and your sister.
Life is tough Bubba, but so are we.
And I pinky promise to be here loving you through it each and every day.