Welcome to Love Hope & Autism
Our journey began when our son was diagnosed with autism at three years old. I was only journaling my thoughts back then and really never planned to go public with our story. What I was finding over the years, or should I say, what I wasn’t finding, were people I could talk to. People that could genuinely relate to the life that we were living. A friend that I could call without being judged and someone on the other end of the line who says “I get it.”
It was extremely lonely those first few years and I remember how isolating it felt. I wanted to connect with other moms and caregivers in the disability community but didn’t know where to start. I wanted a community where our son was loved and accepted for who he truly is. That’s when I decided to start sharing our story publicly. I thought if I could help just one person feel less alone that day, then I would be happy.
I am proud to say that many years later, we are still spreading awareness, acceptance of differences, and inspiring hope. We want Love Hope & Autism to be a safe space for people from all walks of life, to feel welcome and included. We will continue to share stories about kindness, empathy and compassion. I truly believe that raising kind kids and educating them about differences early in their life is so important. We are raising the next generation and it’s up to us to empower them with the skills they need to be inclusive, empathetic and kind hearted individuals. I want our disabled loved ones to grow up in a world where they don’t have to try to fit in. I want them to feel loved, supported and accepted for who they truly are. We have made progress over the years but still have a long way to go. We have to be the change we want to see in the world. And there’s no better time than now.

Blog Posts

There Is Enough Room At The Table For All Of Us
It’s here. April is Autism awareness month, or as some say- Autism acceptance month. For me, I think it’s ok to say both. You see, without autism awareness, how can we have autism acceptance? People don’t know what they don’t know. Until our son was diagnosed, I knew very little about autism. I’m far fromRead more

A Little Kindness Goes A long Way
I called ahead. I asked if I could bring my son into the bakery without a mask. I explained to her that my one son is autistic and not able to wear a mask because of sensory sensitivities. I shared that it was my husband’s birthday and my boys were really excited to pick upRead more

Almost Unsurvivable
“Almost Unsurvivable.” I heard Meghan Markle say those words during her interview with Oprah and it instantly caught my attention. Those words were familiar. Personal. I listened intently as she shared her emotional and extremely vulnerable story. A story that so many of us have experienced. A story that involves mental health struggles and suicidalRead more

Daddy’s Home
“Daddy home!” I heard my son yelling from the living room as I was cooking dinner. I set the spatula down and ran in to look at him. His eyes widened and a huge smile came across his face. And he said it again, “daddy home.” The garage door closed and the foot steps startedRead more

A Good Team
The IEP process. It’s hard my friends. The meetings, the phone calls, the paperwork. It can be incredibly overwhelming. When you’re reading through 50 plus pages of data and information describing your child’s disability and delays, it’s hard not to sink down in your chair and start crying. It can definitely consume your thoughts andRead more

Your Voice Matters
I had some really hurtful things said to me on my most recent blog post. If I’m being honest, it instantly made me upset. I let it get to me. Why would anyone say that? Why would she think that? It made me frustrated and I questioned what I wrote. And here’s what I wantRead more

I’m not invincible. I wish I were. Gosh, life would be so much easier right? But the truth is, I’m human. Just like you. I have moments of weakness and despair. Sometimes for days on end, feeling defeated and burnout. I’m drowning in the virtual school work and trying to be teacher, therapist and mom.Read more

8 Years
It took us 8 years to get to this point. Haircuts for my other two children were easy. Sit in the chair, get your hair cut, and grab your favorite flavored lollipop on your way out the door. But that’s not the case when you have a child with autism and sensory processing disorder. WhenRead more

I’m Glad I Didn’t Listen
I’m glad I didn’t listen. When I voiced my concerns to our pediatrician and she told me our son was just “a chubby lazy baby.” I’m glad I didn’t listen. When they told me our son would never speak because he didn’t have verbal words by the age of 4. I’m glad I didn’t listen.Read more

What If?
What if? Instead of judging another mom, we give her grace and remember that we’re all doing the best we can. What if? Instead of staring at someone who looks or acts differently, we wave and say hello. What if? Instead of watching someone struggling, we ask how we can help. What if? Instead ofRead more

Learning To Let Go
It’s that time. The new year is here and I didn’t choose a one word theme. And No New Years resolution. 2020 was undoubtedly the hardest year for my family and probably for most of you reading this. Let’s just say this year was meant to break us. BUT IT DIDN’T. As I sit hereRead more

A Boy And His Dinosaur
Anxiety. It can be debilitating for adults and brutal to deal with on a daily basis. But to watch your nine year old son overwhelmed and filled with anxiety is heartbreaking. And the hardest part? He’s not able to talk to me about it. Children with limited verbal communication can’t express themselves well. They haveRead more

It’s Been A Week
It’s been a week. A laser light show sitting in our car, dancing and singing along to Christmas carols. A snowball fight in our front yard and sled riding down the hillside. A movie on Netflix and popcorn in buckets while daddy adds logs to the fire. A cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows whileRead more

The Secret Elf
A beautiful and heartfelt letter. Written to my son by a fellow classmate, a “secret elf.” Dear Ethan, You are a great friend. You fill the class with joy. You make our class better and better. I love that you like dinosaurs. You work so hard. Keep being you. From: Your Secret Elf When IRead more

Take Care Of YOU
I need help. As the words left my quivering lips, tears started rolling down my cheeks. Three little words that are extremely difficult for me to say. Sound familiar? I get it mama. We’re so overwhelmed by every day demands and living in quarantine hell, that we forget to make time for ourselves. I’m notRead more

This Too Shall Pass
Bent, not broken. As I was speaking to my therapist during our virtual session today, he said those words and it instantly resonated with me. I was sharing how lost and defeated I’ve been feeling lately. Surrounded by obstacles that seem too heavy to carry and almost unbearable at times. I’m exhausted and drained. IRead more

I’m Here For You
“I’m sitting on my porch with my phone in my hand, waiting to hear back from you.” “I’ll drive to your house right now if you need me.” “I AM HERE FOR YOU.” As I read her texts through tear filled eyes, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmingly grateful to have such an amazing friendRead more

We Will Get Through It Together
“Are you ok mommy?” As my son whispered those words looking at me with those big blue eyes, I could feel my heart skip a beat and tears filled my eyes. I’ve been really good at hiding my anxiety and putting on a happy face, even when I’m falling apart on the inside. And thisRead more

You Are A Good Mom
You’re a good mom. If you send your child to school for in person instruction and practice social distancing. You’re a good mom. If you’re doing a hybrid option with a few days of online learning and a couple days at school. You’re a good mom. If your dining room now looks like a classroomRead more

We Made It
We survived. We made it through our first week of virtual learning for this school year. Three children varying in ages, academic levels and different needs and this mama is TIRED. We started the week with smiles but that quickly changed with each passing hour. The demands, different schedules, synchronized learning and asynchronous learning, theRead more

Listen To Your Heart And The Rest Will Follow
We did it. We made our decision for the upcoming school year and this shirt perfectly describes how I’m feeling about it. It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything. Is. Fine. Honestly friends, I don’t know that it is. I am a nervous wreck and my stomach is twisted in knots. NOTHING feels right. There are stillRead more

You Are Not Alone
Confession: I’ve been struggling. I’m struggling to keep my head above water in an ocean filled with stress and worry. I’m struggling to make choices that seem unpredictable and scary. I’m struggling with being an empath and feeling everything that’s going on in the world. I’m struggling to keep my composure and sometimes cry inRead more

His Life
His life. A life worth celebrating every milestone accomplished and taking nothing for granted. A life where love needs no words. A life that has shaped me into the person and mother I am today. A life that has brought our family so much joy and gratitude. It’s not always easy. It takes hard workRead more

Preparing For The Road Ahead
I broke down last night. All the thoughts and emotions came pouring out of me in a tearful episode on my bedroom floor. As a parent of a child with a disability, I have to make difficult decisions more frequently than not. But there is NOTHING that can prepare ANY parent to make the typeRead more

Pinky Promise
My arms were trembling and I could barely hold myself up. Sweat was dripping down my face and it was getting harder to breathe. I felt like the intensity of the movements were too much for me. I thought to myself – there’s no way I can do this. And then I heard my boysRead more

Change Starts With Us
The chips and salsa were being passed around our table of friends at our favorite restaurant. It was girls night. Jokes were told, stories were shared and laughter probably echoed all the way to the kitchen. And then it happened. While everyone was making funny faces and taking pictures, I heard her say it. “Omg,Read more

I’m good at saying “I’m OK” even though I’m not
I notice the lump in my throat getting bigger and I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest. It seems as though the walls are caving in and I can’t find my way out. It’s hard to breathe and I can feel my face start to flush. Anxiety has a way of stoppingRead more

It’s Not All Sunshine And Rainbows
It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Times are hard right now. For everyone. And if you’re a parent of a child with a disability, being off school isn’t as “cute” and “pretty” as it may seem across social media. I’m not saying every minute of every day is hard, but it’s not all fun craftsRead more

A Letter To The Mom With A Newly Diagnosed Child
Dear Mama, I know you’re probably feeling every single emotion flooding through your body right now.. And I wish that I was there to wrap my arms around you and give you the big loving hug you so desperately need. I may not physically be there with you, but please know that I am here..Read more
What If?
WHAT IF ? Instead of judging another mom on her parenting skills, we keep an open mind and believe that she’s doing the best she can. What if? Instead of staring at someone who “looks” or “acts” differently, we wave and say hello! What if? Instead of watching someone struggling to hold their grocery bagsRead more
Changing “I’m Sorry” to “Thank You”
I’m sorry. I’ll be the first to admit that I say this… All. The. Time. I know I do … And I’ve been told I do.. I even say I’m sorry for things that are not in my control…. not my fault… or have nothing to do with me. . Maybe it’s my anxiety? OrRead more

Be The Kind Kid It’s powerful and simply stated right? I’d like to share my experience from Friday’s field trip because it was one I will never forget. One that truly showed me how every child can #bethekindkid in different ways. Before I go into my story I’d like to share a little background onRead more

I’m The Lucky One
Motherhood…. It’s one of the hardest yet rewarding jobs in the entire world… Isn’t it? I am blessed to be the mom of 3 beautiful, amazing, smart and kind hearted children.. It’s hard to believe that I’ve been a mom for almost 17 years now… And in that time, I’ve worn many hats and haveRead more

Dear Autism Dads ~ You Are Not Invisible, I See You
Dear autism dads, I see you… I see you helping your son learn a new word in speech therapy. .. I see you at 3am laying with him until he falls back asleep.. I see you attending the IEP meetings and listening intently as they talk about strengths and goals… I see you leaving workRead more

To The Mom Who Feels Like She’s Failing
Christina Abernethy22 Comments on To The Mom Who Feels Like She’s Failing
Dear Mama, Please know that you are not alone. .. There are many of us out there feeling Defeated … Overwhelmed … Exhausted… Questioning our decisions and if we are doing enough… Feeling broken and like every day you’re trying to put the pieces back together … Constantly feeling like you can’t possibly get throughRead more

Never Stop Trying!
Christina Abernethy1 Comment on Never Stop Trying!
A few months back you might remember me sharing our experience at the movie theatre. We were going to see How To Train Your Dragon 3. Ethan LOVES those movies and he was super excited! We went, we tried, and Ethan and I were in the hallway for the whole movie. And it’s OK becauseRead more

Dear Parents, Please Talk To Your Kids About Disabilities
Christina Abernethy2 Comments on Dear Parents, Please Talk To Your Kids About Disabilities
Kids are curious… They want to know everything about everything right? They look, they touch, they point and they ask A LOT of questions! And it’s up to us as their parents to help educate them about the world around them. How many of you reading this were brought up talking and learning about peopleRead more

A Letter To My Husband On Fathers Day
Christina Abernethy1 Comment on A Letter To My Husband On Fathers Day
Where do I even start? We’ve been friends since we were 15! I remember starting at a new Highschool and coming home to tell my mom about you. I know you think it’s just because of your good looks 😉 but there’s so much more to you than what’s on the outside. I’m sure ifRead more

Safety First!
When you have a child who is nonverbal or has very limited speech like our son, you’re constantly thinking of ways to keep them safe! Especially when they’re not able to communicate. So we are always looking for different resources and different tools that can help us and help him! The question that is alwaysRead more

Autism Acceptance: Teach Them Young and Watch Them Grow
I had the privilege of speaking at my son’s school last week and it was AMAZING. It’s something I have done for the past few years and I plan to do it for as long as I am able! This year, I read a book called Artie Is Awesome! If you haven’t read it, youRead more

Talking About The Hard Stuff
Christina Abernethy2 Comments on Talking About The Hard Stuff
A few days ago a friend and fellow autism mom, Kate (Finding Coopers Voice) shared something really tough… She shared that her son started hitting … and she wasn’t sure what to say… she wasn’t sure if she should share what happened. .. As I sat there reading her words I instantly started crying…. OneRead more

World Autism Awareness Day
Today is April 2nd and we celebrate World Autism Awareness Day! For our family… autism awareness day is EVERY day! It’s every time we leave the house, go to school, vacation, home.. every day… every where… But I still think it’s great to celebrate this day! It gives others the opportunity to talk about autism,Read more

Welcome to Love Hope & Autism!
admin2 Comments on Welcome to Love Hope & Autism!
And Happy Autism Awareness Month! What a perfect day to start blogging right!? This blog is new but I’m definitely not new to writing! I’ve been sharing our journey over at Love Hope & Autism On Facebook for a few years now and I’ve always wanted to start blogging too. And thanks to my awesomeRead more

Things Don’t Always Go As Planned… And That’s OK!
Today we planned a trip to the movies… something that can be hit or miss depending on the day… If you’re a parent of a child with autism then you completely understand what I’m saying! Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much planning… how much you talk about it…Or how many times you watch the previewRead more

5 Years Ago Today
I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since Ethan was diagnosed with autism. It is a day that our family will never forget. As hard as it was to hear the words “ you’re son has autism” it also gave us answers to questions we had for years. We use this day to celebrate howRead more

Social Stories
Social stories have been a huge help for our son over the years. They are something we use consistently to help him through changes that we know about ahead of time. Especially big changes! If you’re not familiar with social stories, I can tell you a little bit about them and how we use them.Read more

Do You Ever Wonder?
My sweet boy …. the only time his body (and mind) are fully at rest. .. So peaceful … I could watch him sleep all night… As I sit here looking at his sweet little face… I wonder …. and I wonder a lot… I think it’s typical for parents of children with disabilities toRead more